After all of the shelving and everything was torn down out of the garage, I decided that my next step would be to run electrical and insulate all of the walls. Since there will be power tools running, I have decided to go with 20amp breakers and 12-2 wiring. I will run a 30amp 10ga wire from the main breaker to supply power to the new breaker box in the garage.

The breaker box in the garage
I divided the garage into three breakers, one for the east side electrical, one for the west side electrical and finally one that does the plug on the south side and the lighting/garage door. On both the east and west walls, I am installing a single gang box and and a double gang box, for a total of 6 plugs on each wall. On the south wall I am just installing one double gang box. I have also decided to run ethernet cable to this wall to make it my computer station. I need a place to work on computers that doesn't get in the way and constantly look messy. I haven't decided on running cat5 or cat6. I have been using cat5 indoor/outdoor for other drops in the house, but evidently cat6 is the new thing, so I will have to do some research before deciding.
Junction box in the attic
Running the electrical was surprisingly easy. I have not had a chance to run the lighting, which will be a little trickier since it will have two 3-way switches. Before I can run the lighting, I also need to remove the existing wiring, which will be a big job in itself. After that, I need to run the main line from the house breaker. Depending on the complexity, I may have an electrician hook that one up for me.
Once I had everything wired on the walls, I hung the insulation. It was a pain, but didn't take more than a few hours. I used Johns Manville R-13 for the insulation.

On a side note, I have just installed Fedora 8, a version of Linux, as the operating system on my computer. I am using as my Microsoft Office equivalent along with other open source software. It is nice having software that is completely free, it just takes some getting used to. Anyway, I am a huge dork.

Fedora 8 Screenshot
I don't think you're a dork. I am currently trying to get F9 to work though, so I may be biased!